fYOUture of YOUth

Registration Deadline
16 . 01 . 2023
28 Februarie 2023 - 4 Martie 2023
România, se va comunica ulterior participanților
Event type
Eveniment internaţional
1739 Vizualizări



Youth Voicing Conference with participants in the center of the process elaborating a resolution on the future of youth in Europe.



Youth should always be in the present tense. In the European Year Youth more than ever. Also, the best moment to build its future base in a sustainable manner.

fYOUture is the international event you have been expecting to put under the magnifying glass the way European programs and opportunities of today respond to current needs of young people and the youth sector. Furthermore, the place to be if you want  to collect input on potential formats of the future European youth architecture that should be developed in order to better answer these needs and support the present and following European Youth Strategy!


Aka the objectives of the event:
- mapping the current European programs dedicated to youth, the strong points and elements needing improvement;
- identifying how the programs could be more efficiently implemented by developing synergies among them;
- elaboration of participant’s resolution concerning the future of youth in Europe


150 participants from Erasmus+/European Solidarity Corps Programme countries with the following profile:
- Youth workers (Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering coordinators, Youth mentors and coaches, Experienced current/former European programs beneficiaries) involved in projects funded by Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps or other European funding programs (such as Youth Guarantee)
- Youth policy makers (at local, national and European level)
- Youth researchers
- Youth National Agencies and National Authorities representatives.


During the event

The event will take place from 28th of February until 4th of March 2023, with 28.02 – arrival day and 4.03 departure day.

The 3 working days face to face event will place the participants in the center of the process by gathering their expertise and their inputs about European programs dedicated to youth.

Through interactive workshops, the ideas of the participants coming from different European countries and with a strong experience in implementing Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps and/or other types of projects will be analyzed and they will contribute to the elaboration of the event’s resolution on the future of youth.

Before and after the event

The event is aimed to be accompanied by monthly MeetUPs carried out online before and after the event with the aim to prepare in advance some relevant topic and/or to coordinate the effort of collecting relevant input, developing the resolution and to disseminate it later on.

The mix of face to face activities, facilitated discussions and online MeetUPs will be moderated by experienced trainers and facilitators.


By participating you may:
- make your voice heard at international level and use your experience in order to identify how the European architecture addressing young people might be improved;
- learn the various elements of the youth dedicated programs proposed at European level and contribute to finding the most efficient ways to implement and improve them in order to better answer the needs of the young people;
- take part in the elaboration of an international resolution based on the UN Resolution Model aiming at contributing to a better youth sector in the future.

What next

As a follow up to your contribution, the resolution will be part of a large advocacy process aiming to reach relevant decision makers such as:
- representatives of the European Commission 
- members of the European Parliament
- ministers, secretary of states and directors in charge with youth policies in relevant ministries in EU Member States


The event on SALTO



Apel deschis pentru raportori AICI.

Termen limită pentru înscriere: 16 februarie.

Added by: Eurodesk Romania
Registration Deadline
16 . 01 . 2023
28 Februarie 2023 - 4 Martie 2023
România, se va comunica ulterior participanților
Event type
Eveniment internaţional
1739 Vizualizări
22 Aprilie 2025 - 25 Aprilie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
24 Iunie 2025 - 27 Iunie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
07 Februarie 2025

În perioada 27 februarie – 7 martie 2025, vă invităm să participați la o serie de traininguri online gratuite în vederea familiarizării cu Ghidul privind Impactul E+.

05 Februarie 2025

Un nou apel de proiecte în cadrul inițiativei Centre de Excelență Vocațională (CoVE), cu termen limită 11 iunie. Pe 20 februarie va avea loc o sesiune de informare online, care va oferi informații valoroase despre procesul de depunere a cererilor și despre cerințele proiectelor. 

22 Aprilie 2025 - 25 Aprilie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
24 Iunie 2025 - 27 Iunie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
07 Februarie 2025

În perioada 27 februarie – 7 martie 2025, vă invităm să participați la o serie de traininguri online gratuite în vederea familiarizării cu Ghidul privind Impactul E+.

05 Februarie 2025

Un nou apel de proiecte în cadrul inițiativei Centre de Excelență Vocațională (CoVE), cu termen limită 11 iunie. Pe 20 februarie va avea loc o sesiune de informare online, care va oferi informații valoroase despre procesul de depunere a cererilor și despre cerințele proiectelor. 

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